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Bali Conference July 2016

26th-30th June 2016

It was a 4-days conference with lots of learning, performing and fun!

Before the 6th Asia region suzuki conference's opening ceremony. STEAS' teachers and students are getting ready...

STEAS' performance representing singapore for the opening ceremony.


June 27, 2016 - OPENING CEREMONY of 6th ASIA REGION SUZUKI CONFERENCE in BALI, INDONESIA with around 500 participants from Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, USA, UK, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Canada, Venezuela, Australia, Switzerland, Poland, Holland, Italy, India, etc. 

Classes included repetoire classes, tutorials and masterclasses!

Orchestra performances that showcased the fruits of the ensemble classes and Playouts during the Closing Ceremony
The conference was a fruitful and enjoyable learning opportunity for both teachers and students alike!

2nd June 2016

The morning started off with the teachers' workshop. It was a heartwarming session with Mr Yasuki Nakamura sharing his love of teaching and experiences in  Suzuki method. He was assisted by his son, Masaki. In the afternoon, 10 students had masterclasses with Mr Nakamura. The ability of the students ranged from Volume 3 to post Volume 10. 

Twinkle Funtasy - Workshops and Concert

4th June 2016

To wrap up the Twinkle Funtasy event, Suzuki Guitar, Piano, Violin students and teachers performed together in the concert on the last day. Thank you, Synwin Music for their sponsorship of the concert!

3rd June 2016

The first students' workshop with both Mr Yasuki & Masaki Nakamura was held for STEAS's Suzuki violin students from Vol 1 to Vol 8. It was a day of fun and learning for all students and teachers alike!

First STEAS Teachers' Discussion


1st April 2016
The teachers had a wonderful session of sharing ideas, issues and suggestions. We look forward to the next discussion in August!

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