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There are 2 different memberships for the Association: Ordinary Membership, and Associate Membership. 


Ordinary Membership (Annual fee = S$100) 

There are two types of Ordinary membership: Ordinary membership (citizens and permanent residents) and Ordinary membership (non-residents).  


Ordinary membership (citizens and permanent residents) is for Suzuki-trained teachers in Singapore

who is a Singapore citizen or a Singapore permanent resident. Ordinary membership (non-residents) is for Suzuki-trained  teachers in Singapore who has a valid employment pass.  


Ordinary members can:

  • Attend courses, workshops and other activities organised by STEAS.  

  • Meet and interact with other Suzuki teachers.

  • Receive updates and news on relevant Suzuki trainings and events. 

  • For citizens and permanent residents only, attend Annual General Meeting, vote on resolutions and amendments, and  elect and be elected to the STEAS Management Committee.



Associate Membership (Annual fee = S$30) 

Associate membership is for all Suzuki students who are learning from trained Suzuki teachers who are current members of STEAS.


Associate members can:

  • Participate in Suzuki events organised by STEAS.

  • Meet and interact with other Suzuki students and parents.

  • Receive updates and news on relevant Suzuki events. 


To join us as members, please fill up these 2 forms and email them back to

*Please note that STEAS will process all new membership applications only after Annual General Meeting(AGM) in Jan 2020.*

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